Passagetrumpet - 155 Late Winter by dwarfhoplite

Map Description:

A Fortress imitating Constantinople.

Point of Interest: Ambush

Kobolds surprised us with an ambush in the forum without ever passing past the checkpoint at the gates. - dwarfhoplite

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2015-05-20

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2015-05-20 to 155 Late Winter

There's a hole in the wall in the northeast. Poh, but you have a second checkpoint to the north! It's an interesting fortress indeed. Do you experience an aquifer? I suppose. That could be fun. Double slit method still works but I like massive pumpholes more.

[Message edited on 2015/05/20 at 11:13 by ajr_]

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