Doomforests - 1051 Early Spring by Salmeuk

Map Description:

Start of the second year of Doomforests. 11 morbid dwarfs live within the cramped spaces of this fortress, having endured a year of hardship and death. An unlucky 13 lay still, locked away within their communal tomb. The babbling stream is frozen over and the wind lays a chill upon those who venture outside our gates.

So begin my new-found responsibilities as Expedition Leader. I, Libash Steelspeaker, have take over from Drokles Chainglaze as decision maker. In my hands lays the fate of these sturdy Ten. In my hands the future will unravel. In my hands, Doomforests will shine!

Point of Interest: Entrance

Nondescript but functional. Further defenses need in-depth planning and production. - Salmeuk

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