Megafort containing, among other things, a colony on the magma sea floor, a werebeast-powered lunar calendar, and the first skyfort built with cave-ins ON.
( 771 → 901 Mid Spring )
Dwarves enter the fortress through the staircase in the center of the large pit. In the event of a siege, the bridge to the center may be retracted, forcing the enemies to take the winding retractable path around the edge. It's a ~30 z-level drop. To save time on siege cleanup, enemies now drop directly into the magma sea. - itg_
There are 10 comments for this map series, last post 2014-04-28
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Submitted by: mazterlith - 2013-08-23 to 824 Late Summer
How long did it take you to cast that magma cistern? Also you are a grandmaster at DF.
Submitted by: itg - 2013-08-31 to 824 Late Summer
Thanks! It's hard to say how long it took since I put the project on the back burner a few times. Maybe 15 years?
Submitted by: Markavian - 2013-10-13 to 824 Late Summer
Awesome. I can barely imagine what it'd be like as a young dwarf arriving at this massive fortress for the first time, setting eyes down on the great staircase from the bridge above.
Submitted by: bankPanic - 2013-10-13 to 852 Late Summer
Amazing masterpiece!
Submitted by: Tharis - 2013-10-14 to 852 Late Summer
Submitted by: DogsRNice - 2013-12-14 to 852 Late Summer
Submitted by: Sorg - 2014-04-18 to 901 Mid Spring
What about FPS here? :)
Submitted by: itg_ - 2014-04-18 to 901 Mid Spring
It's about 30 with temperature off. I keep my population at about 100 and am constantly dumping surplus items into the abyss.
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2014-04-25 to 876 Mid Spring
One of the better fortresses in recent memory! Awesome work - how long IRL have you been churning out this beast?
Submitted by: itg_ - 2014-04-28 to 901 Mid Spring
About a year, on an off. I haven't put nearly as much work into it since the beginning of this year, since I've been waiting for the new release.