Mothgear - 1052 Mid Spring by RedWick

Map Description:

Mothgear, one year in. I got the usual complement of migrants and I think it was during this time that one of them ended up getting a fey mood, building an artifact mechanism. So now I have a legendary mechanic.

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2013-03-09

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2013-03-09 to 1055 Mid Spring

Eh, what's the road made of? Stone?

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2013-03-09 to 1055 Mid Spring

You know it would be cool if it was actually COPPER!

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2013-03-09 to 1055 Mid Spring

Your agricultural activity seems insufficient for further generations. I would have 4 wells as well.

Submitted by: RedWick - 2013-03-09 to 1055 Mid Spring

The road is conglomerate. Metal only comes in at a trickle via trade or whatever the goblins drop, so a full conversion from stone blocks to copper would take a while. Not that I'm against it, just that it may be outside my ability to pull off in the near future.

If I need to expand my farming, my current system is pretty extensible. I pretty much only use the plants for brewing as I end up buying a lot of meat from whatever caravan is passing through. At last count I had over 1000 prepared meals and like 800+ drinks. It should last a fair while. Plus, I capped immigration to under 100 (somewhere around 60 or 70, iirc), but I'm sporting upwards of 10-20 children these days. It'll take a while for any sort of strain to be put on my fortress' ability to feed itself.

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