There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2011-10-11
SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: kastrol_aslaasri - 2011-08-02 - Removed
Submitted by: kastrol_aslaasri - 2011-08-02 - Removed
Submitted by: burnedfx - 2011-08-10 to 148 Early Autumn
I really like your cave garden.
How many dwarves do you have living in this fortress?
Submitted by: kastrol_aslaasri - 2011-08-11 to 148 Early Autumn
Thanks! Actually I have like 220 dwarves (I'm in the year 151, this map is from year 148)
Submitted by: burnedfx - 2011-08-12 to 148 Early Autumn
Wow! I think I had over 100 in only one of my old games (40d). In my current game I think I have just under 50, with the numbers slowly dwindling.
Any updates on your arena btw? I would think the civilian dwarves would get scared off from the fighting below or maybe just the off duty military gathers as the audience?
Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2011-10-11 to 151 Mid Winter
you should build a glass dome, that'll keep the night creatures out
Submitted by: kastrol_aslaasri - 2011-10-11 to 151 Mid Winter
I only made a little test on the Arena, but later, everyone in this fortress died..... =(
@magic dwarf
I only had one glass window in the entire fortress, had no time to make more, because this fortress has fallen to the "Horrors from Below" xD