Oarskinned - 176 Early Summer by Jelle

Map Description:

I was getting a little bored with the tedious work in my other fortress, so decided to break the tedium with something different.
It's a very improvised fortress housing not dwarves but serpentmen.
It certainly adds to the challenge as they consume only meat and reproduce through eggs, certainly distracted me from the dull work running in the other fortress.

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2011-07-19

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Submitted by: Jelle - 2011-07-05 to 176 Early Summer

Well the breeding was a succes, the conditions for the eggs to hatch is still a mystery to me, but I have ascertained that the mother doesn't need to sit on the eggs continuisly as she went to grab food and drink occasionally.
And then a goblin thief came, stole one of her hatchlings wich was freed when the thief was killed, and she died spamming errormessages of not finding her baby.
There I was thinking she'd die on the nest.

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2011-07-07 to 180 Late Spring

I really like the giant hallway connecting different districts. It gives the fortress a very clean look.

Submitted by: Jelle - 2011-07-07 to 180 Late Spring

Cheers, I quite like the hallway, it looks even better with the water.

Anyway I kept a save handy before I let the water through incase I change my mind, and I'm not sure what to decide now.

Do I keep the natural smoothed stone, allowing shrubs and trees to grow like in their natural habitat, or construct floors to keep plants away from the indoors?

Submitted by: Serio - 2011-07-08 - Removed

Submitted by: Jelle - 2011-07-11 to 187 Mid Winter

The map might look a bit different from the previous ones, I did some small tweaks in the raws.
When I approved of the embark I looked up some info on clay and sand, and found a soruce saying any tile with sandy in it can be harvested for sand, and that sandy loam contains fire clay.
Both were wrong, but I really wanted those two in my industry so I modded the two soils I had.

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2011-07-12 to 187 Mid Winter

You refloored your entire fortress!? looks nice :D

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2011-07-16 to 192 Late Summer

wow... i just realized that all that blue stuff on your main floor is water

Submitted by: Serio - 2011-07-16 to 192 Late Summer

I really like the design of the workshop areas, and their vicinity to the stockpiles they use/output to.

Submitted by: Jelle - 2011-07-19 to 187 Mid Winter

I just discovered why my population remained so low, and corrected my init files for a max of 140.
I'm just now beginning to realize how much animals I'm going to have to slaughter to keep up with the demand of an entire population of carnivores. The amount is just scary.

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