Trailcross the Castle of Wonder - 241 Early Spring by Aykavil

Map Description:

40 years on. The main keep, though not entirely finished, is now inhabited. The trade depot and some stockpiles are still in the temporary quarters, while the west gate is being finished.

Point of Interest: General layout, centered at future trade depot emplacement

- Aykavil

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2011-04-15

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Submitted by: Fred Bernd - 2010-11-23 to 201 Early Spring

That map is incredible!
What texture pack are you using?

Submitted by: Jeremiah - 2011-02-12 to 276 Mid Summer


Submitted by: Aykavil - 2011-04-15 to 231 Early Spring

The tile set is Mike Mayday's.

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SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.


Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2011-04/aykavil-Trailcross-auto-241-spr.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
