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Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

Marble Quarry

I don't think I've ever had a fort that had to quarry with this kind of ambition before, but I really needed marble and cobalt for that tavern building.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20


I think I might've expanded a bit since last update, certainly smoothed more, though since our current pop is a mere 68 I know a lot of these rooms are vacant.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20


I'll replenish the wood when my military is more stabilized and I can afford to take down the elves.

There's a dining room on the left, that belongs to the captain of the guard.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Prison, Workshops, Hospital, Offices

I finished the prison and did a lot of smoothing over. The room to the NW is a planned FB trap and silk factory.

Manager's and bookkeeper's offices in the center.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Dining Hall

I really should make this place into a citizens-only tavern. Food, drinks, and mugs are stashed below, with a corridor leading to the food and drink production, and a corridor from there to the farms. The rooms on either side are for furniture storage.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

The Ducal Quarters

And there's the Duke himself, Risen Lullchannel, Creator of Honestblench, the Glacial Decision (a larch amulet valued at 46800 depicting the foundation of Snarledglazed.)

His living quarters are downstairs, and his tomb is below that, including a workshop of fine pewter (his favorite) a small shrine to Datan (his deity) and the lever controlling the drawbridge that can seal in his entire suite.

The suspicious diplomat and his two bodyguards are on their way now.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Human trading in progress

Humans gleefully making off with all of the copper garbage the goblin hordes left behind.

It has been an ongoing problem that the liaison is a vampire, or one of his bodyguards (though i increasingly suspect the liaison.) Every year there are a few more deaths attributed to the creepily-named Kel Unclefountain.

Haven't gotten around to digging this space unto the cavernous enclosure I envisioned, I should eventually.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Temple Tower

So, this civ has six gods. I decided to go with a hexagonal tower with a spiral path. In order, they are...

Utost: Earth
Ustuth: Fortresses
Datan: Mountains
The White Saffron: Jewels
Idrath: Wealth
Dok: Discipline and Order

Each temple is made of a suitable material, as is each statue. If you're that curious, and don't want to guess ask me and I'll tell you. I'm mildly miffed that you can't make custom clay statues.

I'm envisioning a roof made of bands of marble and hematite, for color and extravagance. We'll see if I get around to that.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Main Entrance

The big round thing was supposed to be a massive tavern. So far the structure is completed, in all of its 3D stripey glory, but I haven't gotten around to furnishing it yet.

My vision is to collect wood from the various caverns, and then make color-coordinated tables and chairs on either side of the mosaic dance floor. Currently two caverns contain forgotten beasts, one of which I want to trap for a silk farm, and the military has taken a beating over the past few years.

Of course, the trials of vomit kind of undermine the mosaic idea, but that's what DFHack is for, right?

Bedrooms on the third floor, and the drawbridge is up until I'm ready to actually start setting things up.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis


My original plan was to have a *very* high vaulted ceiling over the trade depot, which would have its ceiling about here.

Then I forgot this and built several animal processing rooms in the midst of it.

Not sure if I'll follow up with that plan or not.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-06

Trash Chute

A bit of improv. I looked down through the caverns to locate a spot where a vertical shaft could pass through at least two of them without breaching, and thsi turned out to be the location. The microcline room was already there, but was a loooong hike from outside. So I walled off most of it and then dug a new stairwell connecting the dump to the cavern stair, which conveniently goes from near the entrance to the depths.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-06

Garbage lands here

Lowest point in the fort.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-06

Cavern 1

Note the mushroom-wood stack protecting the trash chute from invaders. That was tedious, but well worth it.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-06

Alle Cokasmur

The mayor was a vampire. It only took one casualty before I figured out who it was. It died heroically fighting off a siege (The Molten Onslaught) single-handedly, and I think it took four goblins with it, even though I hadn't bothered to issue it any arms or armor.

Good riddance. Call it the Uriah treatment.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-06

Da Crypt

Pets to the left, civilians to the right. The tripartite tomb is for the casualties of our first siege, who number three.

For comparison, out of a dozen goblin invaders, only one left alive.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-06

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