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Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

Tulon Covereddyes

Here is a notable dwarf. Former expedition leader and current bookkeeper, legendary miner and talented grower. His recordkeeping is proficient, though rusty.

He sustained an injury in the year 128, I think from a fight with a giant cave spider (or cave crocodile?) that cost him some of the use of his right hand, and scarred his lower body and leg. I suspect he's one of the most hardworking dwarves in the fort.

He was also false accused by a keystroke of one of the vampire murders, and did 200+ days of hard time, the only prisoner our fort has ever had. He spent most of the time cleaning and being bored.

Like the Duke, he is a faithful worshipper of Datan. He is sad that he has no family to spend time with. He'd also like to pick up a craft. Maybe I can make him apprentice bonecarver or set him up with a masonry gig for the next big build. At the very least, guy deserves his own suite.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

The rampage of Alu Shaftskulls

"This is an exceptional dolomite memorial to Alu Isaome Iquila Litheme [that's Alu Shaftskulls the Umbra of Night.]
The slab reads 'In memory of Alu.../Went missing in the year 129/Slayer of the Dwarf Catten Neutralrough.'"

Ah yes, this beastie. I think it was fire-spitting toad. I'd mistakenly left a stairway to the caverns that accessed this corridor, between the farms and the kitchens.

The thing killed eight civilians, and 20 soldiers. It emerged once, got badly wounded (taking a few troops along) and then came up a second time. The second attack was the worst. I was down to a few veterans, and even these wouldn't approach the monster because of the sheer heat its flames left behind.

Through the smoke, I wasn't even sure who finally landed the blow that fell it, this slab marks the spot where it lay, smoldering in death.

That was the first major catastrophe. Alu is also remembered in a cinnabar statue in the crypt.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Clothing, Toys, Stuff

I think this might be the first fort where I actually got things sorted out in such detail. I like it. And after I dumped things and traded things away and built bins, it looks tidy and the surface isn't strewn with goblin crap. Getting it all cleared out took the better part of an in-game year.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

The Duchess Remembered

"This is a well-crafted state of As Rockrope
The item is well-designed image of As Rockrope the dwarf and Risen Lullchannel the dwarf in rose gold by Morul Oslangidthur. As Rockrope is embracing Risen Lullchannel. The artwork relates tot he marriage of the dwarf As Rockrope and the dwarf Risen Lullchannel in 79."

As Rockrope happened to be the fort's first death, dehydrated while stuck up a tree. I decided not to disturb her remains, hence the statue. The fact that her husband became the Duke is coincidental.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

This puddle was a forgotten beast

Its body was of water
A single shot from an armored dwarf
and now it's a body of water.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Former Security Hole

Originally there were two microcline doors here, trying to pressure the dwarves to get some more sunshine.

Back when the duke was a baron, he got caught by a troll while trying to scurry in during a siege, which led the army to charge out, which led to one of the larger crypt-sections down below.

The incident made me realize that I should enclose this transitional space, and wall in the old opening with iron, since I had a few iron blocks to spare.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Mysterious Tower of Microcline

A library? A barracks? A backdoor leading to a trap corridor? A tower reaching to the sky? A castle incorporating all of the above?

I'm really not sure what I'll do with this place, it just looked like a nice site for something.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20



I have many aspirations for this place.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Cave 3

Not sure how I'll explore this one yet, and I think there's a Beast wandering around in this one as well.


Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Potential Cave 2 Gate

It'll be here, once I decide I'm ready to focus on trapping that web-flinging forgotten beast, wherever it's hiding.

I hope it hasn't died in the meantime, that'd be anticlimactic.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Tunnel to cave 2

I've never used it, since cave 2 is full of water. But it's there. Might have to worry about it if I get a flying beast out of cave 2.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Cave 1: New Entrance

Much better. The iron serrated discs do the trick.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Cave 1: Old Entrance

After a FB rampage, I decided I needed an entrance with some more security, so I sealed this one off.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

Schist Quarry

For the dining room furniture. Now apparently a silk farm. Can't complain.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

The Crypt

My habit, which I'm following, is to build separate sections for disasters. If you look closely you can probably pick out a few. I accidentally dug out an extra tomb in the first big bloodbath, and decided to make a statue of the forgotten beast responsible in the final tomb. I liked the idea, so I'm making it a habit.

It would take a long time for an adventurer to make it all the way down here, but it's a neat thought.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-20

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