Maps submitted by Salmeuk. (Clear)
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Fortress: Darkvault | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Golddust | Salmeuk | |
Every floor has a rotating, golden walkspace, and I intend to build at least 8 floors. They are being used as temples right now, though one of them has been reserved as a library. We have an optical engineer at the fortress who is sure to provide us with enlightened script - should he survive his time in the military! Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-08-03 |
Fortress: Pagecrows | Barbieri | |
Fortress: Daggerabbey | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Skullwires | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Goatcaves | Salmeuk | |
Only the most prized member of our fortress could expect to receive such a lavish tomb. The door in the back protects an engraving of the Goatmaster's deity. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2017-10-27 |
Fortress: Beervaults | Salmeuk | |
This is where ten or so dwarves died of dehydration, since no one believed they weren't wereskinks. Or at least, that's the official story. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-01-25 |
Fortress: Spiritmarsh | Salmeuk | |
We make pots and pans and doors and floors and blocks and socks [or at least we used to] and hats and bats and shirts and yurts and. . . Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2018-01-30 |
Fortress: Bentshield | Salmeuk | |
One of the eventual four towers that will form the corners of a large castle. This one is made of Marble. I will be switching to a square tileset soon, so it doesn't look so. . . funky. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2013-08-01 |
Fortress: Bannerheat | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: The Black Cloister | Salmeuk | |
I guess I finally got around to realizing no wall + no military is a disaster waiting to happen, so I got both. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2009-03-01 |
Fortress: Warblisters | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Bentshield | Salmeuk | |
Too soon? If you are offended by my use of a perfectly acceptable and not necessarily connotative name you can deal with it. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2013-08-01 |
Fortress: Bentshield | Salmeuk | |
Constructed of claystone and shale, with marble staircases, floors and roofs. The purple crosses are made of rutile. I am still unsure as to the purpose of these towers. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2013-08-04 |
Fortress: Crewedgears | Salmeuk | |
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