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Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

Zolak Ngomorar

While the siege had officially ended, this goblin was, for some reason, trying to beat the crap out of a yak.

As you can see by the yak teeth scattered around, he won. And then the militia got him.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25

Limul Rodimvutik

Count Consort of one of our neighbor-forts, under our civilization. He was a guest at The Deep Chocolate and took a walk at the wrong time. One hopes this does not become a diplomatic incident.

He was also the only other dwarf to die in this siege.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25

The Deep Chocolate

Even locked up, it's still hopping. The bear furthest to the east is "Humidstandard," and he earned his name by catching a goblin lasher who fell into the courtyard. He has a cut on his head to show for it.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25

Caught between two pillboxes.

When I built up the barracks, I realized I'd need to prevent goblins from using it to kite down into the courtyard, which is where the pillbox on the northwest comes in (the archers stand a z level up from here.) The one on the southeast was designed to guard the southern entrance, and happens to also provide double coverage for the southern approach to the barracks roof. It had barely been finished when the goblins showed up, in fact some of the fortifications weren't carved because the engraver got scared of the goblins.

They don't kill as efficiently as melee troops, but they certainly do the job, and it seems like the goblins eventually figure out that this isn't a good place to loiter.

It's interesting to watch the AI try to react. Do you go for the vulnerable dwarfs who occasionally wander outside? Or do you run away from the bolts?

Occasionally a goblin would dodge and fall into the courtyard. I think I lost one recruit from a failure to notice that happening until it was too late. He died on the drawbridge.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25

Check out that carnage.

Most of the miasma is from two goblin corpses rotting in the hallway. That's about as far as they ever get.

I carefully opened and closed the drawbridge to the west to let them in a dozen or so at a time, and then had my defenders lurking just around the corner. It worked *very* well.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25

Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

Da Tavern

It's very large, and rather colorful, as planned. I look forward to seeing it in 3D.

[And moments later, the tavern is called "The Deep Chocolate." And I decided its keeper shall be Udib Whiptramples, founding member and former broker.]

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Ingiz Ruledpaddles

Wrestler, so it's hard to tell what she was when the fort started, though she died a wrestler, in her sleep, drained by the vampire Kel Unclefountain in the year 135.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Urdim Equalpost

Another founder, and a miner by profession. Also went missing in 129, also incinerated by Alu Shaftskulls the Umbra of Night.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Ablel Gillworked

Went missing in 129. I know that he got incinerated by the forgotten beast Alu Shaftskulls the Umbra of Night. That was a bad time. He was the founding mason.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Datan Armorlabor

Killed by the human vampire Kel Unclefountain in the year 136.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Urdib Whiptramples

Creator of The Satiny Cradle, a wombat bone throne.

Founding member, broker, legendary appraiser and grower. I'm really not sure what his initial job was, though he's an out of practice novice-fisherdwarf. He is short, broad, and morbidly obese. His neck bears a massive, jagged scar, from a fairly recent injury. He is slow to tire, but he is flimsy and quite clumsy. He is distracted after being unable to make romance.

Curiously, the dwarf between him and the bookkeeper is Deduk Lancedhealer, who happens to be the fort's legendary engraver, creator of Forkedmouldered, which is an absurdly precious mug valued at 122400 uristbucks.

While the mug itself is made of gabbro, it's banded with platinum (among other things) depicting the foudnation of Snarledglazed.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Olin Urnsense

Founding miner. Her nose is gone. She dreams of mastering a skill, and as a miner, she has succeeded. She is a worshipper of Dok, deity of Order and Discipline.

To that end, at the moment, she is cleaning something.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Tulon Covereddyes

Founding member, bookkeeper, former expedition leader, general badass clerk. His left hand is still crippled after an old cavern fight. It doesn't stop him.

He is absolutely inexhaustible, rarely sick and tough.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Lowest point in the fort.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

Weri Subtlethieves

"A huge hairy monitor. It has a short trunk and it undulates rhythmically. Its amber hair is very curly. Beware its webs!"

And it has a long paragraph of injuries. I'd really like to get it out of the tree and back up to the fort alive, but I don't think that'd feasible at the moment.

Dwarves keep running tasks nearby and getting interrupted, but the beastie ain't movin'.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-24

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