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Fortress: Irondrinkers Tharis


Like stoneworks, but different. Still making soap after the last invasion depleted our supply, but beds aren't really needed anymore.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-11

Stoneworks, Mayoral Suite

We've been through a number of mayors. Those bedrooms used to house several legendary masons and a legendary gem cutter, until the troubles hit.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-11

Trade Depot

Also the manager's suite and the hospital, which has seen a lot of action lately.

Fitting, the manager's office si decorated with an engraving of the original manager making an artifact mechanism. The levers are all of different stone and are associated with corresponding drawbridges outside.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-11


The idea was that the stairs on the left would go straight down to all of the food stockpiles that would feed all of the dining halls.

I tried a decentralized dining system, with a small (by my standards) dining hall near every workshop, and bedrooms surrounding assigned to particular laborers.

It all felt very tidy until a loyalty cascade wiped out almost the entire fort. After that it seemed like too much bother to set it all up again.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-11

Surface Castle

Main fort entrance on one side, and on the other is the entrance to the library, tavern, and generic temple. Just go up a few z's if you want to see. The office in the center belongs to the militia commander.

As you can see, I didn't even bother to clean up after the last two goblin sieges.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-11

Main Hall

The lever in the center is made of an artifact mechanism, "The Coast of Sweltering," which was made by the former manager. It controls the main drawbridge. To the north is the baroness' quarters. She died during a massive loyalty cascade, but her suite remains. She had a thing for tetrahedrite.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-11

Fortress: Cobaltroots Tharis

Sakzul Dangledbolts

You can't see him because of an accident of timing, but there's a hunter standing here, hunting some yaks.

He's one dodge from a loooooooong way down.

Love the ridiculous z-levels on this site.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Bedrooms and a big dig

My colleague decided to dig a great big ramp to...somewhere? The caverns? I don't know, but it's very spiffy-looking.

So, I figured I'd dig out the bedrooms so they had a view of this architectural wonder. OK, the bedrooms for *special* dwarves get this view. And they get custom furniture of a preferred material. This is labor-intensive, of course, so I've only placed the manger (pyrolusite) commander (orthoclase) and chief medical dwarf (trifle pewter) so far. The rest get the minimalist rooms across the hall. I think some more will have to be furnished if we are to make a bed for every dwarf, but it's close.

The ramps look awkward. That's because I was tired when I dug them and hadn't managed to effectively think in 3D. Still, they are all accessible now.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Da Dead

I managed to kill two miners via dehydration by getting the ramps screwed up and not noticing that I'd trapped them in the lower bedroom halls. Le sigh. I've recruited new ones, of course, but the loss is a shame. The little tombs along the big corridor are for pets. It made sense at the time...

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Schist Quarry

I actually ran out of schist. This was surprising, though maybe it shouldn't be. I'd started building a lot of the castle out of schist, and so it just seemed reasonable to keep using it. Of course, as shall be seen, much of the actual fort is being dug out of other stone.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Masonry Hall

I *love* the color-coordinated masonry shops. Brilliant!

Now if only I could find another source of kimberlite...

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Main floor

The green level goes to the green drawbridge. I like to color-coordinate my levers. The blue lever in the clerk's office goes to the blue bridge, and likewise the grey lever in the manager's office.

The dining hall to the south is a new development. It could use some more furnishing, and I'd eventually like to scaffold and smooth the upper walls, but that's a later project. Mayor's quarters to the right, overlooking the dining hall. The current one likes copper, so I made all his stuff out of copper. Tetrahedrite is cheap.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Central Keep

I don't have precise plans for this big fat tower, just yet. The rooms on the right will eventually go to the tavern keeper and entertainers.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Trade Depot

Brand spankin' new. The stockpile ont he right is "finished goods," but somewhere else in this fort is another finished good stockpile. Cut gems on the left, guarded zealously by war dogs. The drawbridge can, of course, seal in this entire section.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

Castle, Ground level

This is probably the first castle I've built from a plan, rather than just throwing down some towers and walls. There's more to be done, for sure, and I think the color scheme could be improved (for instance, I've found huuuge quantites of olivine) but it's coming along.

A shame we haven't seen any goblins yet, though you can see the corpse of Bostra the werekoala, and various parts. It has been a very quiet year, militarily speaking.

The hueg growth to the right is eventually going to be a tavern. My vision is for an olivine floor (to mask the vomit) with some standing musical instruments in the rounded off section and some tables and chests. Guest rooms upstairs, with entertainer bedrooms upstairs again. Not sure how I'll roof it over just yet.

The orange "g" is a gila monster, because why not?

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-04-01

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