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Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

Ballista defense

It's really more for show, since I imagine if fired it would be more likely to take out our collection of black bears. Still it's a a good design for show.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

It still looks like a camel in a funny hat

The Crypt. It has been growing steadily, but not with the same speed as the last one.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

Power plant

Because partial aquifers are great. It's currently switched off, since the pond is filled and framerate is nice. Control switches to the west.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

For the traders

This is the road the traders almost always come in on, so I decided to decorate the wall, and use a statue to keep them on the proper road.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

Troll trap

That's a cinnabar statue of three trolls. I thought I'd try a troll or loose the fire breathing beast. It caught goblins instead, which was just as well.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03


Hematite and Gabbro. The hematite road was rather recently covered with vomit and goblin corpses.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

Hall of Founders

I decided to memorialize the original seven with bronze statues and put them in a hall that was going to lead to the suites for my more valuable dwarves.

I decided I was going to give these guys furniture of their preferred material, then realized that most of these were this I'd have to trade for and decided I didn't have the patience to finish that project properly, which is kind of a shame. You can see that I even dug out their homes to the south.

In the center if Tulon Covereddyes, the expedition leader and current bookkeeper, talented mason and miner extraordinaire.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

We finally took care of that firebreather

I ended up getting it about where I wanted it, then changing my mind, using goblins to lure it around, which worked pretty well. Once I got it un-obsessed with the door, it moved around very freely.

And once I accidentally loosed it on the fort, using a lever, it also moved very freely, taking six crack troops down before finally being slain.

There's still a burning, rotting serving of cooked dog intestines left behind from where one soldier got incinerated. You can see it by the loom there.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

She likes pigs

So I gave her a pigsty. And she likes lead, so made her a masonry shop out of lead. Her sarcophagus is also lead. The entire enclosure was smoother and engraved while it was channeled.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

The royal throne room

A year or two ago, one of our masons inherited the monarchy of The Road of Packs.

This is her throne, her stuff is also dug into the space beneath it. I kind of like this design. It's not every game I get a queen.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

A pond, refilled

With some work, I established a pump stack to re fill the stagnant pond I'd drained out earlier to bury a body.

Unfortunately, the water is full of blood and vomit.

Strangely, the water is also full of guests. I think this is some kind of bug. Go down a level and you'll see them for yourself. There's another one who has decided to hang out in the outtake.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03


It was kind of an afterthought. Kind of wish I hadn't built the building before thinking it through, though aesthetically it's a nice location. I have visions of dwarves being slaughtered by invading goblins as they flee to the fort proper (goblins invasions have tended to come from west, just on the other side of that long hillock.) Could've planned better, but it's here and once I retire it won't matter anymore.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-03

Main Gate

Main Entrance. Look around, see what you can discover before I get around to posting more POIs.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-09-02

Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

This. Guy. Osmat Spurtmite

It happened like so:

And it's still sitting there. It hasn't moved an inch.

"A great capybara with lidless eyes. It has large mandibles [the left one mangled beyond recognition] and it squirms and fidgets. Its dark chestnut hair is long and wavy. Beware its fire!"

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25


I think I'm going to have to knock down a big chunk of that wall and replace it with a drawbridge. Because even if ballistae aren't the most practical weapons, the effect would be pretty sweet.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-25

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