Maps submitted by Salmeuk. (Clear)
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Fortress: Darkvault | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: The Black Cloister | Salmeuk | |
A pleasant surprise, as I had forgotten all about it. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2009-03-01 |
Fortress: The Infamous Camp | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Crackedwalls-CrackedWalls | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: The Infamous Camp | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Swordsmokes | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Golddust | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Warblisters | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Galleymaster | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Skullwires | Salmeuk | |
Horrid Were-Beast Attacks Hapless Citizens "Where are the guardsmen?!" scream the crazed onlookers. Two lie dead, and multiple others are crawling away with bleeding, gaping wounds cut by the fiends razor teeth. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2019-10-30 |
Fortress: Golddust | Salmeuk | |
Hoooo SHIT that's a lot of furniture For whatever reason the z-level my new trash compactor is on failed to generate an image, but it's pretty cool looking and where most of this trash quality furniture is destined. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-08-03 |
Fortress: Tonguebusts | Salmeuk | |
The aforementioned vein of metal. As it turns out, the only on on the surface. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2012-02-11 |
Fortress: Doomforests | Salmeuk | |
Haphazardly placed but certainly necessary, they guard the second staircase to Astville. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2014-12-29 |
Fortress: MineMined | Salmeuk | |
Fortress: Beervaults | Salmeuk | |
Yes, that depot is accessible. This is where the new migrants have set up temporary workshops and food storage, as well as some crude tables and chairs. Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-01-25 |
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Don't walk before you run, else the elephants will get you -Markavian