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Fortress: Project Superbowl II - Part 1 Shurikane

05 - The Hall

We quickly walked by a disorganized mess - probably some ill-planned staging area meant for the trade depot. At least here, we were within recognizable civilization. The floor tiles depicted elements of our culture in ways that displayed flawless technique. The barrels let away this lingering smell of mixed alcohols, and a few others peppered the air with scent of roasts, of chopped quarry bush leaves, and of dwarven syrup.

Something did not sit quite right, however. The crowd ceaselessly changed. We tracked one fresh arrival to verify. He went to a barrel, chugged a drink, and walked away. He took a roast from another barrel, sat down at a table, and ate through it at a frightening speed. The moment he was done, he got up, and disappeared back into the stairway.

We saw dwarf, after dwarf, after dwarf, eating without tasting, slaved to their occupation, and never once slowing down to enjoy one another. No party, no gathering, no idle time.

Everyone worked, worked, worked.

And for what?

We approached the central window, and we peered.

Submitted by: Shurikane - 2016-09-18

04 - Home

A contingent of seasoned veterans formed our welcoming party. They lowered their weapons upon recognizing us. We could just barely catch a glimpse of a civilian dragging the bloody corpse of an ettin away into the darkness.

"The cartos, you are?" said the militia commander. "Help yourselves. We'll pretend you don't exist."

"Is there no one to show us around." I asked.

"No." he flatly answered. "The place has got no use for paper pushers. Fall in line while you can."

I am a master cartographer. I hold a Grand Master title in architecture. My purpose is to map, and describe. Nobody hates cartographers. What've I done to deserve this treatment?

I looked at him, and only saw glazed-over eyes that looked right through me, disacknowledging my existence the moment the conversation was over. The poor commander had been worked to the bone for so long, that it had become his life.

Past the depot, the barracks awaited. The militia practiced on one another, rather than training dummies. They always held live, deadly weapons. Whoever dared attack the place would never make it past this room.

Beyond were signs of constant, corrupted renovations. The entrance had been a bedroom, a hall, a storage depot, and a little of all of those at once for a time. The stones did not sit quite right anymore. It was difficult to tell where the original design ended, and where the new ones began.

More troubling however were the green glass sections boring straight through the hall. From there, the rumble was at its loudest.

"What is this?" I asked a passerby, pointing at the glass.

The dwarf answered gruffly. "Dry-run test. We'll be ready to go in an hour"

"To go? Where?"

But already, the dwarf was gone.

Submitted by: Shurikane - 2016-09-18

03 - Stairway to Hell

The stench followed us as we ascended the ramp. I ordered the men to scrape some of the vomit from the floor. Underneath the caked layer was a neatly constructed structure of basalt, lined in the middle with solid gold. If only anyone could've seen this gold...

The ascension seemed endless. The citadel loomed, becoming ever greater in size.

We had vastly underestimated the sheer grandeur of the project. We could hear a constant rumble from the very ground. The entire landscape quaked without cease. There was machinery at work. Too much machinery.

This was not a shrine. This was not a monument. This was madness.

Submitted by: Shurikane - 2016-09-18

02 - The Nasty Arrival

A pit surrounded the entry ramp. It was filled with molten rock. How it got there, no one could explain. No sign, no statue outlined the site's identity. All that one could see was the gigantic citadel looming not at the mountaintop, but around it. There was an otherworldly, daresay infernal mystery to the place. Not that it wasn't meant to be, but that whoever put this plan into action had long since become... a little unhinged.

One of the macedwarves sarcastically remarked that the grandiose structure must've been due to the expedition leader's small penis. I informed him that the honorable Besmar Riddlebanner had been a woman, and that it was a grave break of form to speak ill of her memory.

A faint, but putrid stench filled the air. The detritus surrounding the ramp had basked in seasons of sunlight, becoming part of the landscape itself. So many arrows pointing back to their origins.

Submitted by: Shurikane - 2016-09-18

01 - INTRO

Behold: Project Superbowl II. Also known as: Project Gloryhole. Grand beacon of Growlworks, mountainhome, and magnum opus of the Furnaces of Charcoal. Founded in the year 500, it was to be a mere monument to the flame, a shrine amidst a treacherous mountain pass to give caravans and adventurers some hope, and share the dwarven culture. The initial party begrudgingly set out. The king, to rally them, said these words: "Nothing is too great for the gods."

The dwarves listened.

Things got slightly out of hand.

Submitted by: Shurikane - 2016-09-18

Fortress: Warblisters Salmeuk

Main Floor

This is where everything sits, as of right now. I intend to play with a popcap of 20 - 30, so these rooms are plenty for the time being.

One z-level upwards is some more bedrooms and storage.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Incomplete Depot House

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16


Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Entrance Bunker

The purple outer wall is made from glumprong wood.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Fortress: Daggerabbey Salmeuk

Fishing Station

I caught a cave croc but haven't done anything with it yet. He's probably getting bored.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Large Gems

I have this thing where I spend all my fortresses wealth on trading for large gems, then collect them in massive piles and boast about it. These are all worth quite a bit, some upwards of 3k dwarfbucks.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16


Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Legendary Baron Vampire

This is probably the coolest part of this place. This guy took a long time to identify since the world is so young and his age didn't stand out.

I finally caught him by ordering him and a few others on patrol duty, and I notice he was the only one not to get hungry or thirsty.

This little cell is pretty cool because it leads up to the bottom of the temple complex, to a hatch cover that is now completely submerged in icy water. A pretty thematic way to lock in a vampire, no?

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Siege Operator Training

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

Dining Room

This was also going to be paved in silver. I kind of overestimate my endurance, sometimes.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-16

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