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Fortress: Churchguilds MapAnon

Gated community, main causeway

Surrounded by lush gardens, the gated community contains housing for the mayor, guard captain, baron and outpost liaision.

Submitted by: MapAnon - 2016-11-26

Industrial area, main avenue

The industrial block consists of six towers housing workshops, stockpiles and offices.

Submitted by: MapAnon - 2016-11-26

Residental area, main square

In the middle of the residental block is a square containing the main well in the fortress.

Submitted by: MapAnon - 2016-11-26

Fortress: Snarledglazed Tharis

The Mayor likes backpacks

We've got a surplus. If I ever get an adventurer who needs backpacks...

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-10-16

Ethnically diverse party

Funny that most of the guests seem to prefer the balcony.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-10-16

Those are flowers

But it still makes me think of blood and guts.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-10-16

Stupid Dwarf Trick

Follow the water flow. My plan was to flood the entire walled-in area with a ridiculous depth of water. It partially froze, which was momentarily interesting. And I think the water depth it's at now is stable, but I don't have the patience to wait for years with nothing else to do, especially when I'm not sure if it'll actually fill in.

Still, it was fun putting the mess together. I think it's the biggest dwarven engineering project I've ever done.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-10-16

The straw that broke the camel's back

A werebison turned in the tavern. I think I've got a few visitors and dwarves infected. I'm getting tired of these incursions.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-10-16

Fortress: Roadhouse of Legend Samoorai

Forge level

Here, below the surface of the magma pool to ensure constant power, are the magma forges, smelters, kiln, and glass furnace. Just below are the pumps which pressurise the lower levels of the pool, ensuring the magmafall has a constant supply, since without that the flow would be much slower.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10

Magma pool

This is the top of the magma pool, where the magmafall flows back in. The pump stack from the sea (one level below) draws up fresh magma to replace any that "evaporates" from this layer, and the pressure plate (on the right) prevents this level from filling up enough to overflow to the level above. The only other thing on this level is the magma pool access bridge (currently retracted), and the access to the forges, below the surface of the pool.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10

Metal/gem storage

All ore is collected here, along with smelted bars and gems, both cut and uncut. Also here are the levers controlling the magmafall, the pump stack from the magma sea, access to the pool, and the drain.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10

Masonry level

This is where all things stone are made. Storage on this level is entirely for marble, and all other stone is left over from when the fortress was originally dug out. Gem and mechanics workshops are also on this level.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10

Furniture/goods production/storage

This level holds all unbuilt furniture, and is the primary crafts area. It also houses the soap production workshops.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10

Wood production/storage

This level holds all the wood supplies and production workshops, including burners.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10


One of only two small above ground structures, the entryway for the fortress can be sealed up in case of siege or other large attack, and is wide enough for wagons to reach the trade depot at the bottom of the spiralling ramp. The hatch one floor below is for sand collection.

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2016-10-10

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