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Fortress: Doortwinkles apparentbliss

Workshop Center

Being, after all, fond of (drink and) industry, we will make the industry the center of our fort. This space, to remain open and bustling, serves as well as a quasi-hallway, or at least a "great hall."

Metals in the northwest quadrant, organics to the northeast, wood and leftover organics to the southeast, and stone to the southwest. Quantum minecart stockpiles to focus those goods which can be focused.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2017-05-23

Fortress: Doortwinkles apparentbliss


Here we struck the soil - a grand vista.

Now, to get down off the heights and comfortably underground.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2017-05-23

Fortress: Scaldrings apparentbliss

Greenhouse (incomplete)

Originally intended to house a handful of above-ground crops (mostly to provide booze variety), this space is as of yet undeveloped (and currently just a dumping ground for seed bags).

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Incomplete Tower

Currently, the outdoor is a total mess, with combination grazing pasture, statue garden meeting hall, and barracks. Construction has begun of a tower (of at least two floors) to house the meeting hall and barracks, but is not even close to completion, primarily because of laziness on the part of the fort's directorship.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29


The primary farm plots, serving only underground crops, and a bag-only seed stockpile.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Cavern Sealant

Hatches mean I don't have to worry about the caverns. There is a forgotten beast sitting idle somewhere in cavern 1. At some point, I may go breach the caverns again.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Exploratory Mining

Magnetite pockets and tetrahedrite veins. Delicious.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Non-Quantum Food Stockpiles

For all three of these stockpiles (raw food stuffs to the north, prepared meals to the west, and drinks to the east) we need barrels, so we can not use quantum stockpiles.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29


'In memory of 'Mrk04' Thumsodel / Born 45 / Went missing in the year of 126 / Lover of amulets'

The only permanent resident of the crypt so far is 'Mrk04' Thumsodel, who somehow managed to get crisped while a minecart was dumping magma into one of the catch-holes in the Ironworks (I do not recall if he was the one performing the minecart track stop job, or if he was in the area and managed to dodge into the pit).

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Magma Hauling

The magma-tiles used to power the Ironworks in this fort were filled using magma-safe minecart hauling, as proposed by Sylth01 in this Reddit thread: .

One comment of particular importance is that you need your bucket brigade to drop water from at least 2 z-levels up; if you only drop from the level one above, the magma will not turn into obsidian.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29


Technically, this covers all metal, and glass as well, but who really cares about anything but steel?

All of the inputs and outputs of this industry and quantum stockpiled in the same place, which seems to work well enough.

See the "Magma Hauling" POI for a bit more detail about the construction of this room.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Refuse / Garbage

Refuse stockpiles and a garbage dump zone feed into the central pit here, which can then be atom-smashed as desired.

The pit is only one z-level deep, which means that I occasionally get miasma flooding and also have had junk spray back up into this room when the atomsmasher bridge is in the wrong state. On the whole, neither of these is particularly annoying, but it is definitely worth digging a deeper garbage shoot.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Animal Handling

Animal handling (kennels, nest boxes) are on the outer northern ring. Sadly, both the male dog and male peacock brought on embark are decidedly uninterested in mating, which has put a damper on this industry.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Food / Plant Processing

Kitchen, still, farmer's workshop, millstone, etc.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

Somnatorium (Communal Bedroom)

A single room, but with each bed assigned individually. This is a bit cheaty, though I suppose you can look at it as a socialist / commune thing if you want to try and roleplay-justify it.

Separate noble rooms will eventually be carved out of the eastern outer wing.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2015-06-29

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