Maps submitted by Tharis. (Clear)
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Fortress: Distinctgravel | Tharis | |
As you can see, we had a siege lately, pretty big one. Cleanup is still in progress, though mostly done. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-05 |
Fortress: Distinctgravel | Tharis | |
I'm not sure how tall that tower will be before I call it "finished." I kind of like how it looks from here. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
I've decided to think of prison as "mental health," rather than punishment. We've got a backlog of "crimes" against the nobility, but I haven't had energy or interest to put the rooms together yet. The southern wing is hospital proper. So far, we've only had a few deaths and no injuries. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
Here's where we got water. Also ironically. it turned out to be a favored place for kids to play. The children also made it really inconvenient to get that wall constructed, but now it is. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
She died here, with her baby in her arms. I'd had a floor constructed to limit cavern access, and forgot that building said floor obliterated the upstairs. So, she went missing. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
Lots of new bedrooms, and a second story below. I'm still trying to keep families together, though I'm getting lazier about it. Children have claimed a few of the "temporary" bedrooms because I have other priorities. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
Decided it was time to setup the waterworks. They're almost ready. The N levers control flow into two reservoirs, and the S levers open the drains to the same. I think it's important to make sure any functional water source be drainable, because dwarves. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
Well, that's where the rock went. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 |
Fortress: Distinctgravel | Tharis | |
There's a baby on the barracks
That green X is the nauseated Mosus Earthmountains. His mother is a Asen Paintrespect, Fishery Worker, who is looking for him. She's a ways to the south. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-01-28 |
Sadly, I can't find anyone who knew him well enough to translate his last name. Slain by a giant chipmunk, which was later dispatched by the militia. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-01-28 |
Our expedition leader died in a cave-in moments after the mayor was elected. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-01-28 |
I'm still keeping up the custom bedroom design, though it's getting somewhat standardized. 3x3 bedroom for singles, 2x3 bed with 3x3 dine for couples sans kids, and and suites for families with 2x3 for adults and 2x2 for kids' rooms. Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-01-28 |
I just now noticed a hole where a farm plot should be. That explains what happened to the ramp... Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-01-28 |
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Always cast a thousand shadows on a candle... or something. -M.A. Deup