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Fortress: Lustercrafted apparentbliss


This steep slope off to the side goes up quite a ways before it peters off, meaning that I have a lot of z-levels to work with (I think 50 total). I may do some sort of tower, or perhaps some sort of super-high entrance-bridge / deathtrap.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2010-03-19

Fortress: Whipclimate apparentbliss

Yak Attack

Rest in pieces, poor wereiguana victim.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2017-09-25

Fortress: Doortwinkles apparentbliss

Workshop Center

Being, after all, fond of (drink and) industry, we will make the industry the center of our fort. This space, to remain open and bustling, serves as well as a quasi-hallway, or at least a "great hall."

Metals in the northwest quadrant, organics to the northeast, wood and leftover organics to the southeast, and stone to the southwest. Quantum minecart stockpiles to focus those goods which can be focused.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2017-05-23

Fortress: Whipgilt apparentbliss


There's a lot more wood in .31 than in 40d. Carpentry is now a nearly full-time position in my embark crews.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2010-04-10

Fortress: Syrupdeaths apparentbliss

Web Collection

It seemed prudent to make a loom near to the spider webs, so that my weaver wouldn't spend so much time running back and forth.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-08-01

Fortress: Syrupdeaths apparentbliss

Water Hole

Fishing is of course a grand waste of time, but sometimes I'm too lazy to make sure that all my dwarves are actually being productive.

Also, my original hunter/woodcutter got badly injured in the first summer, and is still layed up in bed on the floor below (relegated to a corner by the leather works), so it's good to minimize the time wasted bringing him water.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-07-31

Fortress: Syrupdeaths apparentbliss


Underground river located and tapped; well made. Cave spiders given a little bit of room to spread out.

A tower-cap farming system is in the most initial of stages, but since I didn't export the level (it not having any buildings on it), you'll have to wait and be surprised by its "splendor."

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-08-01

Fortress: Sandbathed apparentbliss


Because the land is so flat, we spy a watering hole not far from where our wagon slides to a halt. It will be one of our first priorities to transfer this water into a cistern where it can be preserved from the desert's harsh rays.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2010-03-16

Fortress: Moistnesscloistered apparentbliss

Wartime Entrance/Diversion

When the goblins come, the bridge goes up, and they have to wind their way around my firing squad. The shooting gallery section is lined with channels so as to avoid having to put everything on a second z-level.

Obviously, the ramps in the channels need to be taken down, and traps littered along the ridge route. Also, the northwest corner is a bit "off," since I accidentally unpaused while designating the digging path, and dug out some stuff I hadn't intended to.

To the northeast the siege engine nook has been designated for later digging.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-07-26

Fortress: Depressedtins apparentbliss

Unfortunate Caravan Placement

Had this caravan been in my interior depot, I may have suffered significantly fewer (personal) casualties. Sadly, the surface wall was unfinished and the surface depot was standing.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2014-02-12

Fortress: Swampsinks apparentbliss

Undermagma Underworld

I thought it would be nice to stick the catacombs in underneath the magma pool. Digging them out was a colossal pain (and expanding them will be the same way), but I like the concept.

Nobles and military will probably be separated out, somewhere.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2010-03-23

Fortress: Irontwisted Adhocracy

Transit Area

The stairway to the left goes up to the trade depot and surface.

In the center, down to workshops and residential.

To the right, up to the farms.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2012-04-26

Trade Depot / Legacy Storage Area

Above is a legacy storage, now disabled. Below is the trade depot with a storage for finished goods that only is used for trading (toys, instruments and such trinkets)

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2012-04-26

Fortress: Moistnesscloistered apparentbliss

Too Much Trash

I'm not sure if it was my goblin slaughtering or what, but I had a refuse-explosion, leaving my designated areas full and useless. Miasma ensued. I'm digging out this area for the safe-and-useful refuse-bits, aka bones, skulls, and shells.

Well, safe-and-useful bones and shells, and safe-and-useless-except-for-moods skulls.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-07-27

Fortress: Palacebrother apparentbliss

Too Many Animals

I've started a mass-butchering campaign; hopefully it thins out the herd sufficiently to cut FPS.

Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2011-03-05

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