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Movie: Helping a friend | mcnmac |
View / ReplySubmitted by: THLawrence - 2009-04-14Chuck is your expedition leader. Dwarves who are upset can go and talk to the leader of the fort (Mayor or EL) to feel better. It has been in the game for a quite a while. |
Movie: The pumps aren't working | Markavian |
View / ReplySubmitted by: THLawrence - 2008-04-13Pumps draw water from the level below them. In your map it shows the space which the water would normally be taken from has a wall in it. So no water is taken up. Hence no water is used. |
Movie: Hammerstrikes On Steel | Slumber |
View / ReplySubmitted by: THLawrence - 2007-11-20The hammerer's hammer is only ordinary quality, the decoration are of exceptional quality. |
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Round 2: Ljosrekker vs Cheesebrains
This is a fight from the thread Deadliest Dwarf
In all seriousness, I think we saw this ending coming from a mile away. -