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Movie: invincible windmill test | MoQtheWitty |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-10-29Level-2 building destroyers (i.e. megabeasts and titans) will destroy screw pumps - complete safety is impossible, but this is probably as close as you'll get. |
Movie: Carnage | TheVioletBaron |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-09-18And this, boys and girls, is why you always make sure your soldiers are wearing armor and shields. |
Movie: OMG Fast Memory !!1! | Larix |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-08-26It's effectively a set of R/S flipflops - the lever acts as the "S" input, and stopping the minecart acts as the "R" input. |
Movie: Guardian of The Plump Helmet | Ajacmac |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-07-02I can only assume that the yellow "í" with purple background is the plump helmet in question, given that movies do not support custom graphics sets (or TrueType mode, for that matter). |
Movie: goat meets dragon | Ben L. |
Movie: Body Part Explosion | steb |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-03-17If you liked this, be sure to watch the (unofficial) sequel, with nearly 3 times the carnage. |
Movie: Firing Squad | fortydayweekend |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-03-03And this is why you should never record movies while using a custom tileset... |
Movie: Seventh Match of the Centennial Celebration | VerdantSF |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-01-27Protip: turn off TrueType mode before recording movies |
Movie: Kobolds VS Army | Ben Lubar |
Movie: Survey of WoundSoothe's New Claim | TheVioletBaron |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2014-01-13I wouldn't call that an Elf fortress - more like a Goblin dark tower that was taken over by Elves. |
Movie: Discodesert | sorro |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2013-11-25This is what happens if you mess up your raws - the map says the floor is made of soil, but the geology data says there aren't any soil layers, so it returns a completely random material (in order to alert you to the fact that something is broken). |
Movie: Soapyboar Test 1 Experiment 1 | bennerman |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2013-11-25He's using TrueType, which is incompatible with movie recording. |
Movie: Magma Flow Speed | Quietust |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2013-09-06A bit of historical perspective: back in the old 2D versions, magma did flow significantly more slowly than water, but when the game went 3D this stopped being the case. |
Movie: Frozen trap | LegendaryClother |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2013-06-17A nice trap, but it's a bit slow - with some extra pumps and/or a pressurized intake, it could probably freeze the whole chamber in a matter of seconds. |
Movie: The damage done | flameaway |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2012-12-11You know we can't actually see any of that text, right? |
A Spirit of Fire ambushes the military as they're leaving to subdue the incoming goblin siege. - KenboCalrissian