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Movie: Caravan Wagons Quietust

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Submitted by: Kami - 2012-01-05

BTW: Nice idea with the bridges for the magma trap.

Movie: Gear Toggle = Logic Inverter walrisae

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Submitted by: Kami - 2011-03-27

You can see this concept live in action:

Movie: "Pre-toggled" NAND... becoming an OR gate SL

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Submitted by: Kami - 2010-05-09

The so called "pre toggeled" gears work. And you are right: This violates the principles of signal sending as far as other elements than gears are concerned. Because all other elements have a dedicated state for an on signal an a state for an off signal. But gears just toggle independently from the signal. If they get any signal, the will be disabeled. If the get another signal they will be enabeled again, independant of the type of signal (on/off). And it is 1000 times easyer than the stupid load based logic.

Movie: Double Ballista Duel Kanddak

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Submitted by: Kami - 2010-02-12

Tie! ;-p


Movie: Wave Pool Buckets

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Submitted by: Kami - 2010-02-09

It's just connected to the brook, so the waves are the same as those you can see there representing the flow of the water...

Movie: Perfect Magma Trap Kanddak
Movie: proof of concept (3 tiles wide perfect magma trap) Kami

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-12-16

Perfect Magma Trap by Kanddak

Movie: U-bend at upstream end of river Kanddak

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-12-15

As long as pathing will find any free space without water one z-level under the river - what is technically the case where the river leaves the site - pathing will not go up again to search for tiles on the same z-level as the river.

Movie: Perfect Magma Trap Kanddak

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-11-16

This is cool!

Movie: Dwarfputer V0.1 detailed information Kami

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-11-08

I donīt understand. Where could I mean XOR?

Movie: working cave-in-generator Kami

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-11-02

I donīt think you can totally avoid it. Maybe it has to do with fluctuations in the speed magma and water is pumped. I have seen moments where magma on the bridge was only 3/7 while water was 7/7. Probably making the magma- and watersupply whider could help. I donīt know if you can build a retracting bridge in the center.. Hmmm, Iīll test it.
How it workes: Bridges donīt give support. The long 5x1 bridges north and south are raised and work as walls. The short 2x1 bridges work as floors. Unter and over the center is a free space of 9x9. so there will be no support in every direction. (Iīm not sure if the obsidin is created on the level of the bridges or water and magma combine one level under it, because the cave-in message is taking you there.) You build the bridges north and south on top of a 5x1 wall, raise the bridge and remove the three wall elements afterwards.

Movie: Dwarfputer V 0.1 Kami

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-11-02

Ok, I uploaded the map here:
If you want to go deeper into it I can give you the Excel-file I used to design it.

Movie: working cave-in-generator Kami

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-10-31 .oO( Of course someone did it before me... )

Movie: Dwarfputer V 0.1 Kami

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-10-28

Yes, I have allready seen your's.
Just afer I submitted I looked around and found another one by GauHelldragon, made only one month before. I thought nobody would have done this before... ;-) Then I looked around and found your display and another adding machine I hadn't seen before.
By the way, your one is fantastic, too!
I didn't think water logic would work so fine, especially because of the problems with the switching delay. But in some cases when changing more bits, my one can go crazy, too. But itīs nearly stable. There should be a way to control bridges and other constructions like that without the detour over pumps and pressure plates.
In the first place I didn't implement the overflow bit, because I wanted to make a display with more digits. I considered to split the x-bit binary numbers into 4-bit decimal blocks by calculating, so I wouln't have an overflow problem. But it were to complcated for a first experiment in drawfputing and I just wanted a proof of concept in the first place.
But I will keep on working. I hope to see some more computing from you anytime.

Movie: River Pressure versus Dam Kanddak

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Submitted by: Kami - 2009-10-23

Hmmm, Iīm not sure but I think this could be this way because as soon the water is blocked, it is disconnected from the other end where the water disappeares into nothing. It seems that the alorythm has to fill all tiles with 7/7 water before the water from the source is able go through the u-bend.

What happenes when the water is pumped from the river (into a cistern) so the dammed river cannot be filled with 7/7 water?

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