Displaying results 1 to 15 of 16 (Page 1)
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Movie: Dwarven strangelove | Hishan |
Movie: Trapping HFS | Drunken_Gun |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-10-14I think the bug that caused this is fixed. The one that causes unconscious people to always trigger traps |
Movie: Dopping the Desert Floor | Dakira |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-09-21Thats awesome, it will clear out any nasty magma critter down there too. I wonder what the people in the forges felt like then! Did they not get a huge shockwave? |
Movie: Noble execution | Hishan |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-09-21Yeah sorry, I paused it upon the moment of his death. After sifting though all my announcements I found the death message |
Movie: Trapped? | Fire Imp |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-09-01Yeah thats the most probable answer. It's a reported bug. |
Movie: Very simple dwarven subtractor | Hishan |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-07-29Im planning a larger version as we speak, this just shows the principle |
Movie: volcano | Telltolin |
Movie: Submarine Catapult | keturn |
Movie: Floating ice | Hishan |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-07-22No this is on a totally un-altered version of DF. A bug i suppose, not a very big one so its unlikely to get fixed. |
Movie: DANCE GOBBO SLAVE DANCE | some dude |
Movie: Dwarf Caging 101 | Logical2u |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-07-19I assume hes standing on a cage trap there, then you walled him in and wiated for him to sleep? That seems pretty simple. It would be easier if you biult it theother way around, then because they always biuld from west, they would wall themselves in. |
Movie: Coelocanth's gift. | Aqizzar |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-07-17Awesome. Pity that theyre not biult walls, but terrain walls, otherwise the whole thing would have just exploded |
Movie: Axechampion versus Titan. | Orkel |
Movie: Strange Bug: "A Large" | Wirrit |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Hishan - 2008-07-09I found one of those once in adventeur mode, it was a gem |
Movie: Dragon Vs Hydra | Hishan |
Ocean Drains in Adventure Mode
The fortress I visited had poured a bunch of magma on top of the ocean. I visited it in adventure mode, and, uh... that happens. And it takes like 2 seconds to make a step - neptunepink