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Movie: Pressure vs Altitude Kanddak

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Submitted by: Kanddak - 2009-08-26

First of all I need to link this thread: Hydrodynamics Education
This is most of my current working theory of water.

So, Doppel: what's your theory of how water moves that would explain why the alignment would make a difference? My prediction: You can't produce any alignment of the two cisterns that will put the 5x5 tower ahead. I'll eagerly await your own video to prove me wrong.

Gugunja: Yes, I would expect two 1x1 towers to go at about the same speed. You also filled a very small space that would make it hard to observe a difference.

Movie: Degrinchinator Vanigo

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Submitted by: Lord Dakoth - 2009-08-25

Ha. Ha. Ha.
It reminds me of the cave scene from Ice Age...

Movie: Free Fall Surviving Dwarf Meta

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Submitted by: Lazureus - 2009-08-25

Interesting.. didn't think that would happen.

Movie: 339 Goblin Drop Quietust

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Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-08-25

Amazingly, my bone carvers were able to process all of the bone stacks in only a month, though I now suspect the "year" estimate will apply to my marksdwarves using up said bolts during practice.

You may have noticed that my Hammerer was standing next to the pit before I pulled the lever. In the 5 or so times I attempted this task (in order to record the movie correctly and get it below the size limit), he was always standing there. He must've known what I had in mind.

That, or Hammerers are simply attracted to enemies the same way cats are attracted to vermin.

Movie: Nuclear Catsplosion Lightning4

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Submitted by: Elliott - 2009-08-24


Movie: Orc Fall Trap Fail Silenoz

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Submitted by: Silenoz - 2009-08-24

I realized I was completely wrong right after I posted the video. The siege retreated, and most of their corpses are rotting outside. Awesome.

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Submitted by: Lazureus - 2009-08-24

sure it didn't kill all of the Orks.. but seven is still a good number for a first run.

Movie: Quarterfinals: Match 12: ToonyMan vs. Rysith Bloodbeard

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Submitted by: zchris13 - 2009-08-24

I'm so sorry Toony.

Movie: River Pressure versus Dam Kanddak

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-08-24

Well, that's useful to know.

Good demo.

Movie: 339 Goblin Drop Quietust

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Submitted by: Doppel - 2009-08-24

Beautiful. You would suspect that at some point the pile of bodies is high enough for the last goblins to just use it as a slide and run to their freedom.

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Submitted by: NoctisVampire - 2009-08-24

Someone got to make a ballad about this EPIC SPLAT...
Just had my mouth jammed open with awe:)

Movie: Orc Fall Trap Fail Silenoz

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Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-08-24

I wouldn't call it ineffective - you DID kill at least seven of them (which "v" wouldn't show since they aren't alive).

Movie: 339 Goblin Drop Quietust

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Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-08-24

I actually tried, as an experiment, mass dumping all of the body parts into my garbage disposal (immediately south of the refuse pile, the atom smasher built out of clear glass), but even after several weeks they only gathered a fraction of them, at which point they started to rot and emit a horrifying amount of miasma, so I instead decided to just use (o)rders to ignore outdoor refuse (especially since I don't want to have to deal with the individual stacks of bones from those ~1700 body parts).

Also, conveniently, it just turned Spring, so the Elves will arrive soon, and the path to my trade depot leads straight through the piles of rotting goblin limbs. That should help persuade them to not bring any bins of cloth.

[Message edited on 2009/08/24 at 09:42 by Quietust]

[Message edited on 2009/08/24 at 09:50 by Quietust]

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Submitted by: Korean - 2009-08-24

Really nice bloodbath. I wonder what would have happened if you put some dwarfs beneath 'em.

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Submitted by: Mechanoid - 2009-08-24

*every dwarf goes to pick up body parts*

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