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Movie: Goblin squad versus adamantine legendaries | Orkel |
View / ReplySubmitted by: RavingManiac - 2011-03-27Your marksdwarves are using adamantine bolts, which are pretty useless against armor due to being incredibly light. Steel is best for projectiles, though bronze and iron are cheaper and can still pierce through armor. |
Movie: Magma drop soup | droid |
View / ReplySubmitted by: immibis - 2011-03-19I have no idea what's going on with the sandy clay. But the semi-molten rock at the bottom of the magma sea absorbs anything that you drop onto it. |
Movie: Froze water to wall | LegendaryClother |
Movie: Perpetual Waterfall (Working Smashers) | ClsfdKidd |
Movie: Weaponizing a waterfall | Scraggletag |
Movie: Snatcher dance | billybobfred |
Movie: Launching Armok | miko |
Movie: Gloveflier - game of life demo | sphal |
Movie: Drowning Chamber 3 | Lumpy McUglyface |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Victoria Secret Coupons - 2011-02-19Howdy : ) |
Movie: !!SPOILERS!! | Dan |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Dan - 2011-02-18Yes, its secretions were more deadly than it was. |
Movie: plug the dang hole | deuskvult |
Movie: !!SPOILERS!! | Dan |
Movie: The disappearing Minotaur. | Dwarfotaur |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2011-02-17It was a zombie minotaur, and zombies seem to have become unusually fragile as of version 0.31.17 (they simply "vanish" when killed). |
Movie: plug the dang hole | deuskvult |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2011-02-17> all according to keikaku. |
Movie: !!SPOILERS!! | Dan |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Quietust - 2011-02-17Nothing unusual - captured goblin soldiers never make attempts to escape (or scare civilians) when being escorted; only thieves make attempts to escape. |
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(the file size for number 5 is a bit large. It will need to wait while the issue is dealt with) - VengefulDonut