Displaying results 166 to 180 of 188 (Page 12)
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Movie: The pumps aren't working | Markavian |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-04-13THLawrence is correct. The tiles directly south are not empty space, and thus block the pumps' function. |
Movie: Drawbridges | Axelay |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-04-03Before anyone thinks of trying this on demons, i'll remind you that atom-smashing bridges do NOT work on them. (the bridges will self-destruct instead) |
Movie: The end of UnderCity Pt.4 (Final) | Mechanoid |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-03-29Suggested to run at Rate 50 or Rate 25. Hammerers are unarmored, and as such, move very quickly when cheating with [SPEED:1] |
Movie: The end of UnderCity Pt.1 | Mechanoid |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-03-29I suggest running this video at Rate 50. |
Movie: 200 Dwarves load Depot | Mechanoid |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-03-16I used adjuststart.exe to begin the game with 200 dwarves. Even though i started with 9995 points, i spent the majority of those points on anvils (~3) wood logs (~207) and horses (~40) |
Movie: Dragon Attack | Mister Six |
Movie: Relationship Drama | Mechanoid |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-03-01In case anyone is wondering what happened after the drama, "She," the peasant "cried on somebody in charge lately and felt great afterward." and is now on a break (she wasn't before) |
Movie: Water Pressure Test | xzzy |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-02-26I said "Holy shit" out loud when i saw that water on the move. |
Movie: Automatic Garbage Disposial | Shaio |
Movie: My First Irrigation System | DrJonez |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-02-11Very well done, but the cistern may need to be enlarged if you want to flood more then one farm room at a time. |
Movie: The parting of the Sea | LASD |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-01-24This could be a ocean-aquifer interaction bug. Submit the map to Toady ASAP! |
Movie: What th... Magma pump won't operate for no apparent reason | SL |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-01-18Maybe the pump is backwards? It happened to me a few times when i was setting up pumps to drain a river. |
Movie: River clearing | Mechanoid |
Movie: Bug: Bridge not being supported by walls | Demosthenes |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-01-13It doesn't look like the walls were supported by anything, and since tiles on the diagonal don't provide support, i'd say the collapse was a correct one... |
Movie: Failed River Stairs | Lewzefr |
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