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Map: Wrungtowers - 219 Momaw

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Submitted by: Momaw - 2009-09-15

Oh wow... that's such a clever idea - to have different stones / metals locked away with individually coloured workshops- looks neat, tidy, and colourful ... and helps with the whole stone management business.

At first I was just using that big middle stockpile to separate stones. That's why it's mostly divided between gray and dark red. I would use d-b-f to forbid the stone type I didn't want the mason to use, and then leave him to it. The problem with this was that as the fortress expanded down and out, the "nearest stone" got to be quite a long hike. So I built the locked rooms. :)

It's not ideal. The two problems are first that a legendary mason can Clutter the shop VERY quickly, and second, that a dwarf doesn't give you any forewarning of when he's about to fall asleep, so I had dwarves get annoyed because they had to sleep on stone.

Better would probably be to build open workshop areas, without doors or walls, so that other dwarves can come with stones and leave with finished things. Build a small stockpile around each workshop and separate them. Like electron clouds and nuclei. But then establish a "clean room" zone above and below the workshops so that they don't get confused by Zs, and stick to what's next to them.

[Message edited on 2009/09/15 at 05:38 by Momaw]

Map: Daggerpoint - 77 spelguru

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Submitted by: Momaw - 2009-06-01

You're going to be drowning in food later on, with that much farming going on.

I like the 3-sided entry ramps into the fortress proper. Almost like people are flowing down and in :)

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