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Map: Fortress of Lakes - 313 | PTTG |
Map: A BUG! - 1051 | Dorten |
Map: Facepalm the Ace of Cages - 3 | Ieb |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-26Looks like a great map for an underwater fortress, if you can bear the fps while the water is pouring out |
Map: Walledburial - 106 | Fox-Of-Doom |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-23You could make a continental railroad, make consecutive forts right beside each other and continue the railroad from edge of the map to edge of the map |
Map: Tourneyvale 6x5 embark - 201 | Pendragon |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-22Seems interesting, looking forward to seeing the different forts (If the others post theirs) |
Map: Basic Setup - 204 | CT |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-22Well, it not that basic, more rudimentary, a "basic" fortress isn't that possible in dwarf fortress. |
Map: Channeleddawn - 304 | Harvick |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-20Well, instant problem, hunter got injured, and all i have is salt water, so i tried to pump some salt water into a resovior and it still was salt water, does anybody have proof that water turns fresh when pumped? So anyways, I ended up tearing apart the whole place (I know but I wanted to see if i could get fresh water) and it wouldnt work, so i ended the process, planning on starting from the beginning, and when my game opens back up, no save file. Forgot to put YES on initial save on init.txt so it didnt save for me. |
Map: Combined World - 1031 | ricemastah |
View / ReplySubmitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-20Engrave EVERYTHING in the fort and then you will have a masterpiece. Line the halls with master piece golden statues decorated with goblin king bone, fill the water with melted silver and have silver water. And then, submerge the whole thing in lava and seal it off to never see the light of day again. |
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We use cages instead of chains in our lockup. The great advantage of chains is that they seem to be considered a more severe punishment by law enforcement officers, so they often take the place of beatings or even (sometimes) hammerings. The biggest disadvantage is that dwarves cannot sleep in cages (the beds you see are useless). Happily, this hasn't been a problem yet, despite a couple of full-brown tantrums and a lot of failed labor quotas.
Above the jail is where the Captain of the Guard lives, works, and dines. He's very fond of iron furniture and I've catered to that taste using melted-down goblin armor. To my annoyance, the Captain has also been stealing meltable armor for decoration.
To their left is a platinum bridge over a waterfall. You might not think so, but this is actually one of the more dangerous parts of the fort. Sooner or later, some sand-gatherer's going to get hit by a flood and knocked right into the river. I really need to set some safety bridges built... -