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Map: Bladeshoots - 213 Ashery

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2010-03-05

Thanks, and while there are definitely changes I'd make to my magma duct/farm design, the size of the farm is not one of them.

Yea, it's a pain to do a couple new batches every month, but it's efficient as all hell for my dwarves. My masons just grab the obsidian right from the farm and, once they run out, they spend a bit of time helping construct the tower while I produce another batch.

[Message edited on 2010/03/05 at 10:39 by Ashery]

Map: Bladeshoots - 207 Ashery

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2010-01-03

Excessive micromanagement, heh.

Which, amusingly enough, is also why I burn out on the game after only a few years and take an extended break from DF.

Considering taking it up again, but with the new release coming soon I might just start anew with that.

Map: Windydoors - 384 svengaliseyes

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-07-23

Using the math wrong ;)

One warning signal should've been the fact that your pyramid is smaller than a 41x41x21 block of stone...which contains only 35301 blocks.

You're mistake is that you're summing the lengths and squaring that sum instead of squaring the lengths and summing the resulting areas. A basic drawing would probably emphasize the point well, but alas, I have no chalkboard.

Map: Sainthames - 304 Ignem

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-07-21

Oo...I like the more natural looking mining pattern. Definitely looks better than the usual grid like patterns.

I feel sorry for any dwarf sleeping in the barracks during a siege, though, as it's open to archer fire from every direction but the east, haha.

Next step: Go trapless XD

Map: Staffblossoms - 223 wblueskylives

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-07-21

One issue with your siege setup:

"Both catapults and ballistae aim and fire only along one z-level. While ammo from both may drop down z-levels, they do no damage to creatures there. This also means that no "head room" is necessary - ammo just flies out, never up."

One way to solve that problem is to stick your ballistae at the northern tip of your entryway and have them fire down that.

Map: Pillarfaint - 208 Danarca

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-07-10

Re: Barrels

You could always turn barrel use off in your food stockpiles to free up barrels for booze production. You could also go to the stockpile menu and reserve a dozen or so barrels for booze production.

Map: Chucktrade - 203 YF-23

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-06-24

You could always use mass stairwell designations for the art museum to make the final channeling easier.

Map: Vesselveiled - 302 magic dwarf

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-04

"I regret my decision to dig him out. Next time I will not be so lenient. "YOU MESS UP, YOU DIE!!" will be new policy for any one too stupid to realize which side of the wall they should be on."

Sadly, that doesn't work terribly well...Dwarves have no notion about what side of the construction they should be on.

You can bypass this by either a) having mechanisms, a lever, and a mechanic ready immediately to hook up the floodgate to let'em out or b) taking advantage of the fact that N, S, E, and W are always preferred (iirc) to the diagonals.

I don't recall their choice preferences from heart, however, so I forget which of the N, S, E, or W they choose first.

Map: Bladeshoots - 204 Ashery

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-04

The only thing I wish I had added earlier is a bridge right before the fork in the water supply to my farms...That would've allowed me to cut off the feed and quickly drain the flooded part of my farm into my eventual cistern.

Ah well, fixing one's screw ups is one of the joys of DF, XD

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-03

Do I need to add that, thanks to a careless oversight, I completely flooded my east farm and had to seal it off completely for the time being? ;p

Had to cut off the river supply at the source (I neglected to install any backup control systems on my main level) so will have to wait an incredibly long time for it to drain into the chasm so that I can clear out the flooded farm.

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-03

Just had my first injury with the obsidian farms...A mangled left foot from someone who sidestepped into the pit as it was filling.

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-03

I've had a couple minor issues, but as I'm using "Restricted" pathing for the bottom level, dwarves rarely walk down into the pit unless they're picking up raw obsidian.

I've had a couple dwarves sidestep into the pit in order to avoid going prone, but even when that happened during a refill, the dwarf got out in time (There were two adjacent tiles with magma at the time).

Pets, however, ignore the designation... I just have to hope a cat wanders into the pit.

[Message edited on 2009/01/03 at 07:33 by Ashery]

Map: Tongsceilings - 102 Salmeuk

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2008-12-30

If you don't mind a bit of micromanagement, you don't have to build scaffolding up to every tile on the wall. I generally build one piece of scaffolding every eight or so tiles.

Requires a bit of micromanagement as you can only designate two pieces of wall to build between any two scaffolds at any given time.

Map: Blockadecalmed - 205 Retales

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2008-12-15

On the topic of the moat, one thing I've started doing to help fill my aqueducts quickly/prevent evaporation is to dig up from a level below the water source. Not the safest way to go, but I havent lost a dwarf yet...One out of one is still a perfect score, hah.

And flooring over the moat won't prevent evaporation. You're also more than one tile deep, so you shouldn't be experiencing evaporation at all. Pretty sure it's just a matter of what you already're just not getting enough water from the brook.

My suggestion would be to cut off/ your current aqueduct from the brook/drain and then install a few pumps that move water over this barrier. Either that, or dam the draining end of the brook...actually, that'd probably be more effective.

Map: Closedbolts - 308 Maltay

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2008-12-06

I'm not sure how effective those ballista towers will be due to the fact that a) the operators will most likely run away before getting a single shot off and b) even if they did get a shot off, won't there be an incredibly high risk of friendly fire?

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