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Map: Firethrone - 205 | erdtirdmans |
View / ReplySubmitted by: erdtirdmans - 2009-11-27The slow crawl of magma flow and a tantrum spiral have severely delayed things, but i'll be sure to post an updated map when it's ready. |
Map: Axescrape - 92 | WilliamC |
View / ReplySubmitted by: erdtirdmans - 2009-11-09I don't understand the logic in this fort, and that's why I like it so much. It's just raw and... almost artistic! |
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While I was sitting in my stone throne, I heard the murmur and mooing of migrants.
What on earth were they doing bringing in a baby horse, a baby cow, and a baby freaking water buffalo? Don't they realize this is basically a rocky wasteland?
We'd already set our existing stock on the grassiest space in the region. And as you can see, it's not that grassy to begin with. Something is going to have to be slaughtered soon, which means we'll need more rock pots and barrels. Lancetrade (the other Reg) reminded me as he was going to bed that it'd better be rock pots, as timber is scarce out here.
And the migrants, which means more beds and dining, and more workshops, more digging.
Well, I'll keep digging, soon as my break is over.
Hey, is that a gem cutter? He can have the job. We'll give him a workspace in magnetite below... -