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Map: Townmatched - 335 | Ivefan |
Map: Untitled Cobbling Of Assorted Crap - 1052 | Anonymous |
View / ReplySubmitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-29The miners became bored and I like to build up before the chasm, both in skills and infranstructure (firefox says it's not spelled right, so I doubt it is :P), so I let them just dig around there randomly so I'd have plenty of space and skills... or I just ran out of useless jobs for them to do, I don't really know what I'm thinking after I do it. |
Map: Untitled Cobbling Of Assorted Crap - 1053 | Anonymous |
View / ReplySubmitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-29Yeah, that'll work, I should prolly just use () in the future though. |
Map: Whipgranite - 1057 | rewolf31 |
View / ReplySubmitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-15I too am interested by the outside-to-river "defenses". As for your logistics (or attempt at such) with the food, you left out 1/4th of the process... moving the processed food to the consumer (the dwarves in this case, obviously.) Still, it looks nice, most likely better then anything I'll be able to come up with for months. |
Map: Doorholes - 1054 | Anxiety |
View / ReplySubmitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-15Whoa, is that rewall you used to get the outside walls? The end result looks nice. You can change ponds into rivers (O_o)? The numerous errors could be the "terraforming", yes, but reclaiming might solve it as you suggested. It's absolutely amazing though, even if you can't see past the chasm... |
Map: Racesacks - 1065 | Lokum |
View / ReplySubmitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-15Not to spoil the mood, but that thin layer of brittle rock is holding it back quite well compared to the end of that southern branch. Nice bucket/gems btw (:P). Interesting castle layout, I can never be bothered to do circles on anything other then an enormous accident. It must be very scary seeing your money is lying around in the open, where any criminal could steal it. Not that there's ACTUAL criminals, just misunderstood craftsdwarves (;P). A DOORLESS HOTEL?! THIS IS MADNESS ( |
Map: Untitled Cobbling Of Assorted Crap - 1053 | Anonymous |
View / ReplySubmitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-15I'd like to point out an error which is partly my fault for using angled brackets: under the point of interest "Business Front", I have (openbracket)no title(closebracket) just before the three exclamation marks. Just imaginate it being there or something, or, Markavian (I hope I spelled that right), you could somehow fix it, I suppose. Anyway, it makes much more sense (in my opinion at least) when it's there. |
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Around the same time as the two siege armies arrived, a Forgotten Beast decided to visit the caverns. After a tough fight with the militia, the mines were sealed temporarily. Once the military has recovered, the FB will either be captured or driven from the caverns. - Serio