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Map: Rithmesir-the_adequate_library - 255 mounf

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2020-04-19

A side view POI might be appropriate. 34z library tower...It's a grand plan, but I imagine all the channeling leads to fps loss without retire-unretire (which would throw about books).

In visualizers, 1z rooms feel cramped, and 2z feel like normal - but then, when *you* make a fortress, you want to aim above normal. Good work!

As a side note, the animal trap could be built, or perhaps placed in minecart on weight-sensitive pressure plate.

That spinning rampway is pretty neat to look at going down.

An issue I have with libraries in vanilla raws though is that each bookcase holds 100 books. Given that each discovery is years-long effort, a mammoth library with all the learned knowledge of the world, containing four hundred books....can fit in four tiles.

Thankfully, one is able to mod their size, or even smaller varieties. Though a single-book "pulpit" bookcase greatly resembles a pedastal.

Map: Lullmetal - 125 Vellum

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2020-02-10

Lovely amount of green. Considered ripping out of the walls to replace with green glass?

Map: Roughseals-Roughseals - 301 askovdk

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2020-02-06

I like the elevated bedrooms! The doors are kinda hard to see, however.

Noticeable walking distances all around.

Looks like the layers are S-S-A-A-stone. The last one gets some flooding from above; might be able to get some waterfall thoughts if you place a portable drain under downstairs on z105.

So many farms; aiming for 250 pop?

Map: Skullwires - 427 Salmeuk

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2019-11-17

Yeah, it looks lot more flat in 3d visualizer, an actual hillock in hill rather than a mountain. In 2d view, ten z-levels down is a lot, but ten sideways is nothing much - this makes it more visible.

I think an intuitive fortress designs being flat is partly based on how much player effort it takes to reach given area, so 1 z-level down is same as 100ish tiles sideways.

Map: Fairpaper - 1 NordicNooob

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2019-11-17

Well, this makes the geography easier to understand. Thought the initial pierce would be above general work area!

Map: Skullwires - 427 Salmeuk

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2019-11-01

Thanks for the comments. RE: embark, I have developed quite a taste for embarks over the years, and this one attracted me because of the realistic topography (no harsh jumps in z-level or ugly orthogonal terrain) and the nicely framed features of the central mountain.

Here is a mifki screenshot of the place:

Though I find that single z-level rooms become less interesting when visualized in this manner. Something about their lack of volume, in relation to the larger terrain features.

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2019-10-31

You embarked on volcano+river+sand+3 biomes? That's pretty rare embark, nice job finding it.

The bedrooms have nice hand-drawn look to the tentacles. Clearly, veins are wider. I might want to consider engraving the microcline to reduce its glare - but clearly you love the contrast with dark gray in your archery targets.

The rose gold tables really stand out. The jewelry stockile being a rhomb fits well with cut gems themselves being rhombs. You could painstakenly make diagonal stockpiles for each gem colour.

I feared enemies might penetrate through the gold veins when I saw them open. Looks like that happened, but it's not like there are not plenty of outdoorsy plant efforts.

There's some blood, but even normal soil in bloodthorns' cavern looks bloody. Combined with the slightly red-tinted water, it looks otherwordly.

Map: Desert-City of Glades - 1396 Fleeting Frames

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2019-10-29

Thanks! Though I may have overcomplicated the precision, here. I've been somewhat inspired by forts like Smallabbey or keupo's Slingcontrols or Dancingglove.

(Though to creator's eye, it still looks chaotic in large parts to me - other things like the bedrooms and corpses languishing in the sun as I focus on a particular shade of red.)

mapshot was broken for a while, so the only way to do this previously was to manually screenshot and stitch together. Not easy, that. Also, in default twbt distribution, you need to rename mapshot output files to order them for map compressor like twbt would do it, and then ignore its warning on unique tiles.

Map: Metalclobber - 20 Tharis

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Submitted by: Tharis - 2019-10-14

Ah, glad to see I'm not the only one who pokes around. Hi, stranger.

Yeah, I came back to the game after a long hiatus. I find the dwarves' ongoing melancholia frustrating, but it was fun for a bit. I've got another site ready to roll, but iv'e got a long going on, may be a while before it gets rolling.

This site, with the magma *and* the steel fixings really spoiled me. That doesn't happen very often.

Map: Desert-City of Glades - 1396 Fleeting Frames

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2019-10-10

How very interesting! I remember attempting this sort of thing back when I used TWBT, for I found multilevel display to be VERY pleasing to view. . however I ran into some issue I can't remember and quickly gave up.

Your forts are always so precisely created - it's unlike any other style of building I've seen. Well done!

Map: Metalclobber - 20 Tharis

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2019-10-10

"the piglet has been stung!"

you heartless bastard!

The left-facing cliff wall gives this fortress a very 'classic' feel. It's actually a very nice embark.

Also, its good to see DFMA getting some use as of late. .

Map: Moonhome - 42 Fleeting Frames

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Submitted by: Tharis - 2018-01-17

Oh cool! Thanks for showing it!

(speaking of belated responses)

Map: Farmbow - 60 Salmeuk

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Submitted by: Tharis - 2018-01-02

Ah! A surface fort!

Map: Dawncities - 126 Udol

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2017-10-31

I like your circular design!

Map: Moonhome - 42 Fleeting Frames

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2017-09-16

Hey, Tharis, finally got that screenshot you asked for, thanks to mifki's 3dviewer

Here's an image of what the person leaving the fort via ocean-pult sees and a link to fort to scroll around in, until mifki takes it down.

Here's another screenshot of the tavern area

And thanks, Salmeuk. ^^;;

Confusion comes easy with forgetting, but I still see new things in DF everytime I spend a day on it.

[Message edited on 2017/09/16 at 11:14 by Fleeting Frames]

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