phpMySimpleAdmin - Simple PHP MySQL Admin Script


phpMySimpleAdmin is a PHP based administration tool for MySQL databases similar to phpMyAdmin, but simpler.
The script was designed to perform simple Add, Edit, Remove and List functions with basic form validation and an easy to use interface.
It is no means meant as a replacement for a full database adminstration tool, but provides direct access to database tables for a range of users.

phpMySimpleAdmin preview



  1. Download the latest release from this website
  2. Unzip all the files in this archive to an accessible place on your localhost or webserver
    e.g. /public/www/phpSimpleMyAdmin/
  3. Open a webbrowser and Access the folder on your localhost or webserver
  4. You should be prompted with a setup screen - fill in the details and save
  5. Login using the details you just entered
  6. The setup page can be accessed again from the navigation once logged in, you do not need to remove any files after first install.

Reset an installation:

Customising the template:
