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Comments: 6

Submitted: 2012-11-06 (View map)

This is madness !

Submitted: 2009-03-30 (View movie)

Nice, works fine ! I seen something similar in another fort, can't remember wich one.

Submitted: 2009-03-12 (View map)

O_O That's...superlative...Strong extraterrestrial design, love it.

Submitted: 2009-03-11 (View map)

What an overwhelming engineering project :O I never thought of building skybridges. Gonna teach this tech to my dwarves =)

Submitted: 2009-03-11 (View map)

Love the shape of the nobles quarters. With your tileset it looks really nice !

Submitted: 2009-03-10 (View map)

One of the greatest Fortress i saw. Truly Cathedralish in the design and of epic proportions. A source of inspiration !

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