Faithfulaxe - 1058 Early Spring by MastaODisasta

Map Description:

A pretty cool site I found with two rivers converging and a large open cavernish thing in the middle. The fort's going to be centered around the cavern.

Point of Interest: Workshops

( 1058 Early Spring → onwards )

Workshops go here. - MastaODisasta

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2008-09-17

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Submitted by: tanon - 2008-05-10 to 1058 Early Spring

Hmmm... Maybe put some kind of dock down there?

Submitted by: MastaODisasta - 2008-05-11 to 1058 Early Spring

Yeah, it would be cool if merchants could have river merchants to trade with, but then you'd also have to worry about marauding goblin pirates. :o

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-05-13 to 1061 Early Spring

I've always been a fan of fortresses built on rivers like this.

Submitted by: BlackrayJack - 2008-05-14 to 1062 Early Spring

I have to say I love the way you built your fort in accordance with the river and geology, it really makes it stand out and look unique.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-05-16 to 1062 Early Spring

Did you not fancy stacking the "The Projects" vertically?

Submitted by: MastaODisasta - 2008-05-16 to 1062 Early Spring

That's probably what I should have done, and have had another dining room on a different level. Actually, I can probably hollow out some of the back housing blocks to turn into workshops. That's what I'll do.

Thanks BlackrayJack, I chose this area because it had a massive height difference while not being mountainous, and when I saw the big cavern in the center, I knew I had to use that somehow.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-06-01 to 1065 Early Spring

Sad to see, but you stuck it out until the end.

Submitted by: pharoah - 2008-09-17 to 1058 Early Spring

you should of noticed but just saying that theres is 1 river seperating into 2? you can tell be the waterfall.

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