Torchedswamp - 1051 Early Spring by sammiched

Map Description:

Crazy underworld tower

Point of Interest: Top of the tower

- sammiched

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2011-05-05

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Submitted by: Meanmelter - 2010-06-11 to 1051 Early Spring

Ehh, I hit these about 1/4 of all my forts, leading to the death of all those forts. My next Megaproject is to get a ramp from the entry of the temple's that leads to the outside world. Block of all other places so the only way in the cavern is to go through my fort. TIME TO CAUSE TERROR TO THE ELVES WITH MY DEMONS!

Submitted by: Phil - 2010-10-22 to 1051 Early Spring

Wouldn't it be better to just flood hell with obsidian then carve out homes for your nobles?

Submitted by: squiddymcdoo - 2011-05-05 to 1051 Early Spring

No, what you do is build your nobles' rooms down there, then seal it off, and then open up hell. I'm sure your nobles will marvel at the sight of the wondrous creatures from below.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2010-04/sammiched-Torchswamp-region1 - revealed-1051-7.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
