The Steel-Castle of Fires - 110 Early Spring by Dorten

Map Description:

Got me an upgrade of my working computer, and FPS on this fort raised from 4 to 25!

So, continue to build

Point of Interest: Royal mausoleum

( 110 Early Spring → onwards )

Here my future king/consort will rest in pieces someday... - Dorten

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2010-03-15

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-03-02 to 101 Early Spring

Hahaha, you have a magma vent running straight through a bauxite cluster on level 13.

Nice map, by the way. Any magnetite? Or is it just hematite?

Submitted by: Dorten - 2009-03-02 to 101 Early Spring

Any magnetite? FIVE clusters of it!

That's why I picked this map for a steel castle

Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-30 to 106 Early Spring

/me nosebleeds at the awesome castle constructing skills of Dorten's dwarves

Submitted by: wololo - 2009-04-01 to 106 Early Spring

Awesome magma moat.

Submitted by: Doppel - 2009-05-27 to 108 Early Spring

This truly is a steel fortress, nice. I also like the not overly diagonal (but still able to have diagonal walls) tileset, what is it if i may ask?

Submitted by: Dorten - 2009-05-28 to 108 Early Spring

It's on the wiki. Under my name even.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2010-03-15 to 110 Early Spring

Its good to see you welcoming your neighbours with such warmth in such dark times.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2010-03/dorten-The Steel-Castle of Fires-region1-110-0.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
