Artifical Waterfall by Flok

Movie Description:

Well, there's a LOT of things wrong with this movie, but hey, deal.

My computer's acting up, so if it appears to be going really fast, I'm sorry, I can't figure it out.

Basically what we have here is a dwarf-made waterfall. Water is pumped up the towers and is released next to the bridges, creating what I imagine is a beautiful scene.

On the river's level, I show off the party room, which contains a bit of mist from under them and a green-glass window view of the river.

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Submitted by: God of Toast - 2007-12-23

I lol'd at the dead dog in the water bt the party room.

Submitted by: Flok - 2008-01-13

This was BEFORE removing floors meant staying on the same z-level.

Submitted by: A string value for author - 2009-08-05

Muddy Open Space? Ehhh?

Submitted by: That guy - 2010-05-16

Speed is about right if you hit slow twice to put it at 25 fps. Also, lol @ muddy open space


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
