Perpetual power from a lake by Kanddak

Movie Description:

For the benefit of a guy who wanted to know how to power waterwheels from a lake.

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Submitted by: w4ldf33 - 2009-02-09

Have you been able to recreate this concept in the underground and with a limited water source (fps ...)? In all my trys underground the game doesnt seem to recognize the 7/7s generated by the pump as moving. Setup above ground like this works perfectly ...

Submitted by: Kanddak - 2009-03-17

I've done the same thing to a cave river successfully. I created a much longer path and made a huge power plant which worked.
Then in one fort I dug and filled an underground reservoir and tried to do the same thing in a closed system with thirty water wheels, and I got 500 power out of it, but that means 25 wheels weren't working.
I wish I knew why.


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
