Letterurn - 1068 Late Winter by Leila

Map Description:

Magma moat filling, brook redirected and castle construction in progress

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2010-08-25

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2010-08-24 to 1068 Late Winter

neat and tidy, awesome fortifications on the surface

are you going to underpin the foundations with stone? I always feel uneasy building structures on loam :]

Submitted by: Tobel - 2010-08-24 to 1068 Late Winter

I feel silly, but where is the Magma coming from? I can't see the pump/system.

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2010-08-24 to 1068 Late Winter

there are dual pumps going up the center of the fortress, they have been turned off but the magma has been blocked into the trenches.

Submitted by: Quietust - 2010-08-25 to 1068 Late Winter

Nice dense tree farms just below the surface, though your tileset is rather odd - for whatever reason, dimple cup shrubs use the same tile as tunnel tubes...

Submitted by: Tobel - 2010-08-25 to 1068 Late Winter

Oh! Totally missed the barrel looking pumps :) Going to experiment with a waterwheel factory, although its all new to me. Thanks for the idea.

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