DarkFortress of Blood - 216 Late Summer by Samoorai

Map Description:

--As the immigrants crested the final hill, an odd sight befell their eyes. A gigantic black wang, shining in the morning sun, magnificently rose up to dominate the landscape. The imposing structure was crafted from obsidian, with gold ringing the head and lining the shaft. The men all stood proud, knowing that this mighty "erection" would soon be the very symbol of Dwarven civilisation, for the Queen would soon be on her way.

I give you one of the most disturbingly effective and landscape dominating fortress designs ever, the Gilded Obsidian Wang! Truly, I am at the cutting edge of cocking about.

Point of Interest: Gilded Obsidian Wang

Several fortresses ago, I came upon the idea of making a defendable hallway leading to a trade depot and the primary entrance. As I was laying the goundwork, I thought to myself, "Oh dear, that kinda looks like a wang. Let's just go with it."

This is the main floor of the Wang. All traffic must proceed through the shaft. It is completely made from obsidian blocks and gold bars, plus 2 aluminium statues. All gold was sourced from trade, and thus it took me 15 years to build this.

The north-most bridge can be raised to completely seal the fortress from the outside world. The next is raised during a siege, opening the path through the Hall of Death, and the south bridge can be raised in case enemy forces make it too far through the hall for any reason. All bridges raise southward, walling off all access - Samoorai

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2010-06-17

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Submitted by: The Queen - 2009-11-10 to 216 Late Summer

That is so wrong...

Submitted by: Nilus10 - 2010-03-14 to 216 Late Summer

This is so AWESOME!

Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-03-25 to 216 Late Summer


Submitted by: Quietust - 2010-03-26 to 216 Late Summer

I personally think this is more awesome.

Submitted by: Trix - 2010-04-08 to 216 Late Summer

i like the splatter of puke at the head

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2010-04-09 to 216 Late Summer

That's nothing. You should see it after I take care of an ambush outside. Huge trails of vomit spew forth from my mighty dwarven "erection" :)

Submitted by: Anon - 2010-06-17 to 216 Late Summer

This, is masterful. I need to build one now, only equipped with magma defenses. :D

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