Shovehame - 113 Late Summer by YF-23

Map Description:

3 years have passed since the last update of the map, and I thought I should update a new version. I was planning on uploading again when the tower was complete, but eh.

I increased the pop cap to 40 (though even after going past that another immigration wave came, bringing my total dwarves to over 50).

Point of Interest: Entrance road

Mostly made because I got tired of the ground turning to white sand when my dwarves went to gather the stuff from dead goblin ambushes. The side road into the brook is because merchants like using the brook to come to my fort. - YF-23

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-09-11

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Submitted by: Fedor - 2009-08-30 to 110 Early Winter

Consider digging a ramp for that poor hammerdwarf? And how does he avoid starving, anyway?

Submitted by: YF-23 - 2009-09-02 to 110 Early Winter

I'm fairly certain that caravan guards don't die of thirst or hunger or anything like that.

Actually, I had a dwarf drop in there at some point and built a stairway for him to get out. The hammerdwarf didn't even move from his position. And now after a few rains, the water level has risen to 5/6 out of 7, and he still doesn't move; or drown.

Submitted by: YF-23 - 2009-09-11 to 116 Early Autumn

The caravan guard eventually moved around the pool once water level reached 6 to 7 out of 7. He eventually left when he spotted a kobold thief when my defences were inactive, as he left the pool and killed him.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-09/yf-23-Shovehame-region2-113-20060.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
