Apepaints - 203 Late Winter by YF-23

Map Description:

Well, this didn't go too well... Goblin raids started far sooner than I anticipated (but have only cost the life of a cat and wardog thus far), none of the dwarves under a strange mood have been able to complete their artifacts, and a dwarf that got injured in a sparring sessions didn't get any sleep even though he was on a perfectly fine bed (this costing his own life and another sworddwarf's).

This brings the death toll to 6 (I had also lost 2 dwarves to a Longnose Gar and a Sea Lambprey early in the game).

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2009-04-09

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Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-04-04 to 206 Early Autumn

Neat area for a fort.

Submitted by: YF-23 - 2009-04-04 to 206 Early Autumn

Yeah, the river itself forms a natural defence on more than a fourth of the map's borders, and from there on out I can easily control access with bridges. It's also easy to close off areas almost completelly, and the mid-eastern part of land makes it easy to make a chokepoint. Many goblins have died at the traps there (the first siege and a wave of the second siege so far). Oh, and some rhesus macaques too.

I will probably abuse the small waterfall as well, and make the King's Throne room behind it. That is, if I survive until then.

Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-04-09 to 208 Early Winter

Lay down some floors on the surface of your fort. It makes it look nicer.

Submitted by: YF-23 - 2009-04-09 to 208 Early Winter

Hmm, I was thinking like that, but I'd rather keep it in a gardenish state so I can have a safe woodproducing area. See, if a siege happens, I want my dwarves to get inside the wall ASAP so I can pull the main entrance lever.

Hmm, I might put some floor on the area around the trade depot though- scratch the might, will do right now.

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