Inodad - 1063 Early Summer by Benny

Map Description:

They returned indeed. Their numbers far greater. Their maps, much more accurate
My only marksdwarve was useless with no bolts, my soldiers horribly under equipped with but their hands against steel armour and shields
Shortly after this was taken, the last survivors perished

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2007-12-21

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Submitted by: Lacero - 2007-12-21 to 1063 Early Summer

That's a lot of dead bodies.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: Gatesuns-region1-1063-12414.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
