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iBead Website

[ Date: 16th Jun, 8:35 pm | Author: Markavian ]

Hi everyone,

Been a long while since I posted here. The server has been paid for a second year of hosting.

Over the past month I have spent my time meticulously programming a message board from scratch. This was a big undertaking for me, and it has come out promisingly well.

The push behind the message board was one of the major features for a new website I'm creating about my mp3/digital music player called the iBead-100, which I got about a month ago... I'll put a feature list up on the site soon enough, go see.

C&C Worldbuilder Tutorial

[ Date: 24th Apr, 3:44 pm | Author: Markavian ]

I'm well underway creating a wordbuilder guide to making maps for Westwood's new game Command & Conquer Generals. The wordbuilder that comes with the game is one of the best map editors I've seen for a game, and it was produced by Westwood themselves.

The tutorial guides you through a few of the tools available, and should give helpful pointers for making your own maps. Screenshots a plenty too of the development of my new map 'Road Runner'. See the tutorials section and read the first few pages.

Changes have been made to the content layout of You'll find a new collumn on the Tutorials/Projects/Reviews lists for number of 'Pages'. I removed the Rating collumn for the time being, since it wasn't really useful/applicable. You can't compare one article about CSS to another about Photoshop and expect people to take notice/care.

The new design has been tested on Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 7 and Mozilla r1.4.. looks fine on all. Its a pretty simple layout, just some tables and some corner images.

Site Redesign

[ Date: 21st Apr, 10:39 am | Author: Markavian ]

Okay, a few months on, and several months after the proper launch of and I've already come about with another site redesign. This one is much bluer then before. Very blue indeed. So far I've had quite a bit of positive feedback over the design.

Maybe it'll encourage more people to post articles!

I've tweaked up the page layouts slightly, in the hopes that'll they'll be easier to navigate. This probably needs some more work though.

Theres also a few UI issues to sort out in the CMS in the admin section.. I'll get round to them.. eventually.

Random PHP

[ Date: 13th Mar, 1:55 pm | Author: Markavian ]

Well, its been a while since I posted anything new on

I'd like to point out two new tutorials I just knocked up, some dead obvious/really simple tutorials for 'random images' and 'random quotes', which should be easily implemented into websites : if you know basic PHP that is.

The worldbuilder guide needs finishing. I need to sit at home, with wordbuilder, and take lots of screenshots. If your stuck for the moment, theres an official guide (in PDF format) that you can grab from the EA Games Generals website, here.

You may also be interested to know, I've produced a healdog, sorta like a weblog script. You can see a working preview of my personal headlog at I've distributed/setup versions for a few of the authors at, so far I've had some encouraging comments, I just hope they make good use out of them.

I plan to set up a 'healdog' website, as a central place where people can grab their own future versions of the script.

So it began

[ Date: 3rd Mar, 11:50 am | Author: Vortex ]

w00t today I uploaded my first article!
Yeah if you wanna know all about my skateboarding career go and check in the Projects section ;)


[ Date: 21st Feb, 2:31 pm | Author: Markavian ]

I've updated the splash image on the main page (you probably saw it on the way in) because I got sick of the old one/old design.

Also, I've spent the morning creating a flash viewer for the colour strips project, which can be viewed here:

Someone I know has done a sweet interactive flash movie, I'm gonna see soon if they'll post it here on

Colour Strips

[ Date: 21st Feb, 2:27 am | Author: Markavian ]

Well... its been a while since I posted something. Check out Gonz' piece of grunge, very sweet. Also, I've put up a whole bunch of weird artwork which I consider pretty amazing, kinda relaxing too.

Go explore.

PHP Tutorial

[ Date: 26th Jan, 12:42 pm | Author: Markavian ]

Check out the tutorials page for my new guide on reading file directories using PHP.

Some more CSS tweaks to the site, and some code updates. The CMS should be able to support embedded flash now, and the PRE and STYLE newline parser now works properly. It was messing up.

News Feed

[ Date: 22nd Jan, 8:58 am | Author: Markavian ]

I had this idea, to break up the news page a little, I was considering making a second news feed. Then could have site news and updates down the left (with relavent links to new projects?) and a second set of news down the right covering general world/internet news stuff that could be kinda interesting. seems alot more stable now, I've not come across any serious problems, although I keep tweaking little design issues. I may rescript the Admin section so it will handle new signups.. then I will invite people to signup as authors.

I want to avoid having a forum.. but a comments/questions section on articles may be useful.

New WACOM Graphire2 Review

[ Date: 21st Jan, 1:02 am | Author: Kelli ]

I just finished posting a review of WACOM's Graphire2 graphics tablet. If you're into digital art and don't yet own one of these, you might want to check it out. It details the up's and down's of WACOM's least-expensive introductory tablet.

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